Friday, November 8, 2013

From a Sobered CEO

In a business which depends on relationships, relationships with our artists and relationships with our customers, my company bends over backwards to make the everyday possible, even when it feels impossible.  And yet, there are the occasional times when for some reason or other, we are unable to succeed.  Today was such a day, a day in which many members of our staff were verbally abused by a potential customer, and I was forced to make the decision not to accept this customer’s business.   It was a hard decision.  It was counter-intuitive to everything I know about service.  And it was the easiest decision in the world in order to protect my staff from further abuse.  I wondered during the process what the legendary Nordstrom position would be, what Seth Godin might say, yet knew that this was necessary, hoping that in this day of viral information that taking the higher ground would speak as loudly as this customer’s abuse.


  1. Well, perhaps I'm biased, but (a) bad business is bad business, and (b) Artful Home does, in fact, bend over backwards for its customers. Sounds like a great decision to me. One, in fact, that might be celebrated by *all* of its relations -- employees, customers, artists, and investors alike.

  2. Do the right thing always, means doing right by you and your staff, too! Well done.

  3. Some people you just cannot please. You are the best!
