Have you eliminated much of the paper media in your
life? I have. No more daily New York Times, no more print
version of the New Yorker, no more subscriptions to food magazines or shelter
magazines or fashion magazines. And far
fewer books, having converted to reading from my iPad a couple of years ago in
deference to all the traveling I do.
The result? I read
less. I cook less. I know less.
Sure, I am a product of my generation, raised on printed editions of
everything. But just as certain is the
fact that I’m a modern woman, equipped with every gadget and considered a
pretty savvy user of many things electronic.
And I don’t like what is happening to me as all things in my life go

Don’t get me wrong; I love the digital life, too. I love to shop online and learn about so much
online, I love the immediacy of communication and learning and watching and
listening. Music, video, TED, Facebook,
Instagram – yup, I’m hooked.
I think it just might be time to acknowledge and celebrate
the fact that there is just something different and desirable about printed
media, from the flipping of pages to the serendipity, from the invitation of a
glossy page to the ability to tell a story that resembles reality more closely
that its back-lit version.
Running an online business that is dependent on a printed
catalog, I have tried for years to
figure out if we could get rid of the damn catalog; it is time consuming and
expensive to produce and can’t come close to showing all the beautiful work we
carry. But oh, the delight I hear about
over and over again from customers about receiving the catalog in home, the
anticipation of it and the possibilities it inspires.
I get it, I get it big time.
While waiting for a connecting flight, I’ve just signed up for print
magazine subscriptions, not as many as I used to get, but more than the zero
which currently come to my home. I want
that inspiration to read and look and explore.
How about you?
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